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Board Members

Barbara Kelley

- Board President

Ed Kelley

- Board Vice President

Bob Bertolli

- Board Treasurer

Cristy Clouse

- Board Secretary

Fran Antenore

- Board Member

Steve Gonzalez

- Board Member

Jacob Olsen

- Board Member


Barbara Kelley


Barbara Kelley has 30 years of experience as a School Psychologist, Behavior Expert, Therapist and Educational Consultant for grades pre-k through 12. Mrs. Kelley served as the California Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports State Coordinator and Co-Coordinator with the California PBIS Coalition (CPC) as a founding member for 10 years. She has been a PBIS consultant, trainer and coach for over 21 years, facilitating PBIS scaling up efforts at regional, district and school site levels. She is a founding member of the California Technical Assistance Center on PBIS (CalTAC-PBIS, Inc.), a non-profit organization promoting safe and equitable learning environments. She is an international trainer for the School-wide Information Systems (SWIS) Facilitator Trainings and a national School-wide Information Systems (SWIS) trainer for schools. Her background training includes mindfulness practices, educational psychology, behavioral science, gestalt therapy, organizational systems theory and professional development strategies for adult learners. Currently, her professional focus is educator wellness, educational reform, equity, the scaling up of evidence-based practices and organizational systems change. Areas of expertise include Educator Mindfulness Training, HighSchool implementation of PBIS, secondary and tertiary tier supports systems, data for decision-making and facilitation of District leadership teams. 

Cristy Clouse

Vice President of Innovation

For over 30 years, Cristy’s focus has been to inspire positive change with students, educators, leadership teams and organizations. With her diverse educational background and curiosity for a positive growth mindset, she provides Social-Emotional-Behavior (SEB) technical assistance to state, district and school level teams contextualizing and aligning the multi-tired systems of support(MTSS) framework. She is the designer of the Positive All-Staff Support (PASS) professional development modules for school-wide prevention practices and co-facilitator of the Mindfulness Challenge for MTSS/PBIS implementers.  Cristy is also passionate about promoting social emotional competency for preschool and early elementary learners.  

Patti Hershfeldt

Vice President of Marketing

Dr. Patti Hershfeldt is the Co-Director of the Center for Social Behavior Support at Old Dominion University, an affiliate of the national Center on PBIS. Patti co-chairs the APBS HS Network that supports high schools with implementation of SW PBIS/MTSS and aims to bridge connections between fellow implementors and researchers. Additionally, she has a strong professional focus on equity and student voice. Patti is a former high school special education teacher of 15 years and a mom to two daughters. .



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